Port St. Lucie |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 34.40. Establishment; members.
There is hereby created the civil service appeals board of the city. This board shall be composed of five principal members and two alternate members. No member shall be employed by the city in any capacity, official or otherwise, nor be the holder of any county or state office, whether elective or appointed.
Two of the principal members and one alternate member shall be elected by the city employees who have attained classified status as set forth in section 34.42. The members so elected shall serve for a term of one year. Board members so elected shall not be city employees.
The city council shall appoint, by resolution, three principal members and one alternate member of the board. Said members shall serve for a term of three years: however, the initial appointment of one principal member shall be for a term of one year and the initial appointment of one principal member shall be for a term of two years.
Vacancies on the board shall be filled in the same manner as provided for original appointments. Any vacancies so filled shall be only for the remaining portion of the term of the original appointee.
The board shall elect from its members a chairperson, vice-chairperson and a secretary.
No member of the board may be removed by the city council prior to the expiration of the term for which appointed, except for cause, and then only after service of the charges in writing upon the member and the holding of a public hearing thereon. Removal shall be by resolution, adopted by the city council.
In order to qualify for appointment or election as a member of the board, the candidate for membership shall have the following qualifications:
Must be at least 25 years of age;
Must have been a resident of the city for a period of one year immediately prior to seeking membership on the board;
May not be an employee of the city;
May not be the spouse, brother, sister, parent, or child of any employee or official of the city;
Must be a high school graduate or the equivalent;
May not be a former employee of the city who has been discharged for misconduct;
Must be a citizen of the United States or a legal alien;
Must not have been convicted of any felony;
Must have been gainfully employed for a minimum of five years; and
May not be a present or former elected official of the city.
(Ord. 87-49, passed 7-6-87; Am. Ord. 87-105, passed 10-27-87; Am. Ord. 88-46, passed 5-9-88; Am. Ord. 10-88, § 1, passed 11-22-10)