§ 51.03. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

    Calculated impervious surface of an E.R.U. For purposes of determining a stormwater fee, the calculated impervious surface of an E.R.U. shall be deemed to be 2,280 square feet.

    Developed nonresidential property. Property zoned for uses other than for single family residential purposes upon which improvements have been constructed. This shall include multi-family and condominium developments.

    Developed single family residential property. Property zoned for single family residential use upon which is constructed one or two dwelling units. This would include single-family dwellings and duplexes.

    Dwelling unit. A room or connected rooms which constitute a separate, independent housekeeping establishment for a family, for owner occupancy, or for rental or lease; physically separated from any other rooms or dwelling units which may be in the same structure; and containing sleeping facilities and one kitchen.

    Equivalent residential unit or E.R.U. The statistical average horizontal impervious area of all residential units in the city.

    Undeveloped parcels. Unimproved property zoned for uses other than for residential purposes or property zoned for residential uses upon which no subdivision improvements have been constructed.

    Undeveloped residential property. Property zoned for residential use upon which no dwellings have been constructed.

(Ord. 88-32, passed 4-25-88; Am. Ord. 89-84, passed 8-28-89; Am. Ord. 92-23, passed 4-27-92; Am. Ord. 93-47, passed 9-27-93)