§ 62.11. Guaranteed revenue fee schedule.

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to chapter 61, the city council hereby establishes and adopts the guaranteed revenue schedule as per the appendix to this chapter.

    (Ord. 95-70, passed 11-27-95; Am. Ord. No. 03-110, § 1, passed 8-25-03)



    Base Facility Charges. "Readiness to serve" fee: A monthly Base Facility Charge (BFC) or "readiness to serve" fee, shall be applied to all water, wastewater or reclaimed water bill regardless of whether there is any usage recorded for that billing period.


    Lien of service charges. The City of Port St. Lucie has issued revenue bonds for the acquisition, construction, and expansion of the City's water, wastewater, and reclaimed water facilities pursuant to Chapter 159, Florida Statutes. The City shall have a lien against all lands or premises served by any water (potable and reclaimed), or sewer system for all service charges for such facilities until paid. Such liens shall be prior to all other liens on such lands or premises except the lien of state, county and municipal taxes and shall be on a parity with the lien of such state, county and municipal taxes pursuant to section 159.17, Florida Statutes.


    Rates. Monthly water, wastewater and reclaimed water gallonage charges and rates are based on metered use.


    Residential single-family base facility charge (BFC) for customers receiving both water and wastewater service:

    Meter size Water BFC Wastewater BFC
    ⅝" × ¾" 9.62 16.61
    1" 21.56 39.02
    1½" 41.45 76.37
    2" 65.31 121.17


    ;adv=6; Residential single-family base facility charge (BFC) for customers receiving only water service:

    Meter size Water BFC
    ⅝" × ¾" 11.30
    1" 23.24
    1½" 43.13
    2" 66.98


    ;adv=6;Plus gallonage rate per 1,000 gallons as follows:

    Water rate Wastewater rate Water gallons Wastewater cap (gal)
    Block 1 4.51 7.79 0—5,000 8,000
    Block 2 5.88 n/a 5,001—12,000 n/a
    Block 3 7.23 n/a 12,001 and above n/a



    Residential multi-family BFC individually metered (includes condominiums and townhomes):

    Water BFC Wastewater BFC
    Per dwelling unit:
    (when master metered)
    plus $3.35
    5.66 per unit 14.06 per unit


    Plus gallonage rate per 1,000 gallons as follows:

    Water rate Wastewater rate Water gallons Wastewater cap (gal)
    Block 1 4.51 7.79 0—3,600 Up to 6,000 gal/mo/unit
    Block 2 5.88 n/a 3,601—8,500 n/a
    Block 3 7.23 n/a 8,501 and above n/a



    Nonresidential BFC (includes, but is not limited to, commercially leased residential properties such as apartment complexes):

    ERCs Water BFC rate per ERCs Reserved Wastewater BFC Rate per ERCs Reserved
    Calculations shall be based upon the number of ERCs reserved plus $3.35 7.95 14.94


    Plus gallonage rate per 1,000 gallons as follows:

    Water Rate Wastewater Rate
    Block 1 4.51 7.79
    Block 2 5.88 n/a
    Block 3 7.23 n/a


    There shall be no wastewater cap for this class of users and customers.

    Monthly water and wastewater block gallonage shall be based upon the number of ERCs reserved. The block thresholds for each commercial water or wastewater meter shall be calculated by multiplying the number of ERCs reserved for that meter times the number of gallons shown in the following table:

    Block 1 Threshold Block 2 Threshold Block 3 Threshold
    Usage up to 5,000 gallons multiplied by the number of ERCs reserved shall be billed at the Block 1 rate Usage greater than 5,000 up to 12,000 gallons multiplied by the number of ERCs reserved shall be billed at the Block 2 rate Usage greater than 12,000 gallons multiplied by the number of ERCs reserved and above shall be billed at the Block 3 rate



    Wastewater only:


    Single family flat rate: $65.03 (based on $18.29 BFC + $7.79 per gallon × 6,000 gallons)


    Multi-family flat rate: $64.17 per unit (based on $17.40 BFC + $7.79 per gallon × 6,000 gallons)


    Non-residential: $14.94 BFC × ERCs reserved
    Plus $3.35
    $62.32 (based on $7.79 per gallon × 8,000 gallons)


    Reclaimed Water Usage Rates:

    Monthly Consumption Rates:

    Monthly billings shall be handled as provided in Section 61.04.

    Base Facility Charge (BFC): $3.18 per 1,000 gallons of capacity reserved plus $3.35
    Per 1,000 gallons of metered use 18¢


    Industrial reclaimed water customer rates:

    Per 1,000 gallons of metered use 26¢



    Guaranteed revenue fee. The rate per ERC shall be equal to the BFC for nonresidential as set forth above, and the calculation shall be based upon the number of ERCs reserved in a service agreement.

(Ord. 94-47, passed 9-26-94; Am. Ord. 95-70, passed 11-27-95; Am. Ord. 97-79, passed 10-27-97; Ord. No. 01-26, § 1, passed 6-25-01; Am. Ord. 02-34, §§ 4, 5, passed 4-22-01; Am. Ord. 02-103, § 3, passed 9-23-02; Am. Ord. No. 03-110, § 2, passed 8-25-03; Am. Ord. 03-121, § 2, passed 10-13-03; Am Ord. No. 04-111, § 1, 9-27-04; Am. Ord. 05-130, § 3, passed 9-26-05; Am. Ord. 06-103, § 3, passed 9-25-06; Am. Ord. 07-132, § 6, passed 9-24-07; Am. Ord. 08-87, § 8, passed 9-22-08; Am. Ord. 10-44, § 6, passed 7-12-10; Am. Ord. 11-66, § 10, passed 9-12-11; Am. Ord. 12-48, § 13, 9-24-12; Am. Ord. 12-48, § 13, 9-24-12; Ord. No. 13-51, § 8, 9-23-13; Ord. No. 14-61, § 2, 9-22-14; Ord. No. 16-61, § 2, 9-26-16; Ord. No. 17-63, § 7, 9-25-17; Ord. No. 18-39, § 8, 9-24-18; Ord. No. 18-59, § 1, 11-26-18)