§ 64.09. Interceptors.  

Latest version.
  • Interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Utility Systems Director they are necessary to prevent the discharge of liquid wastes containing grease, fats, oils, hair, lint, sand and other substances or materials that may be harmful to the operation and maintenance of the City's wastewater facilities; except, that such interceptors shall not be required for a single family residence.

    Separate plumbing shall be provided for the wastewater to be treated through an interceptor. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Utility and shall be located where it is readily and easily accessible for cleaning, inspection, maintenance or repair. When installed, all interceptors shall be maintained by the Applicant/Customer/User at no cost to the City, in compliance with this section at all times.




    Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish requirements governing the installation and use of grease, fats, oils, hair, lint, sand and other types of interceptors; regulate commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments that have the potential to cause operation and maintenance problems in the City's wastewater facilities; and provide for inspections, monitoring and enforcement procedures to ensure compliance with this section.




    Food service, processing, and packaging facilities: Interceptors are required for, but are not limited to, establishments that are partially or fully engaged in cooking, preparing, processing, packaging, or serving food or beverages and, by virtue of their services, discharge kitchen or food preparation wastewater.


    The Utility Systems Director or his/her designee shall be responsible for determining whether an interceptor is required for an establishment meeting the definition of Limited Food Service Establishments and/or Facilities. Such determination shall be on a case-by-case basis.


    Other facilities: Interceptors are also required for a laundry, vehicle wash, businesses providing services for the repair/maintenance of vehicles/mechanical equipment, veterinarians and other animal care facilities, barber shops, and beauty/hair salons.


    Interceptors may also be required for other establishments based on the characteristics of the wastewater generated by the establishment.


    The presence of an interceptor does not give authorization to deliberately dump or discharge liquid wastes containing grease, fats, oils, hair, lint, sand and other substances or materials into the site plumbing or into the City's wastewater systems that may be harmful to the operation and maintenance of the City's wastewater system.


    In all cases, the type and size interceptor required shall be determined by the Utility Systems Director or his/her designee. Where applicable, interceptor sizing shall be in accordance with 64E-6 of the Florida Administrative Code.


    Existing facilities.


    The City may require an existing establishment to install, operate and maintain a new interceptor, or to modify any non-compliant plumbing, or to repair/upgrade an existing interceptor, in compliance with this section. The property owner and/or the Applicant/Customer/User shall complete the required corrective actions within 90 days of written notification by the Utility when one or more of the following conditions exist:


    The facility is found to be contributing fats, oil, grease or other harmful or hazardous substances in quantities sufficient to necessitate increased maintenance on the City's wastewater facilities.


    The facility causes a negative impact on the operation of any of the City's wastewater facilities.


    The facility has an undersized, non-functioning or defective interceptor.


    The facility is expanded or remodeled such that it requires a permit to be issued by the City Building Department, or the St. Lucie County Building Department.


    Grease, Sand/Oil Interceptor maintenance.


    All facilities regulated under this section are required to utilize a waste hauler authorized by the Florida Department of Health and/or St. Lucie County to pump out an interceptor.


    The Applicant/Customer/User shall sign a service record provided by the waste hauler, verifying that the interceptor was serviced in accordance with the requirements of this section. The service record will also document the subject interceptor's condition.


    Interceptor cleaning and maintenance shall include pumping the unit until empty, and cleaning the sidewalls, baffle walls, cross-pipes, inlet and outlet pipes. Should any damage occur as the result of cleaning and maintenance, such damage shall be immediately repaired at no cost to the City.


    The interceptor area shall be maintained free and clear of debris and stored material, and it shall be accessible to City personnel at all times.


    If multiple interceptors are installed, all units in the series must be pumped according to the maintenance schedule below.


    Each establishment shall pump its interceptor at a minimum frequency of 2 times per calendar year. However, the facility may be required to pump out the interceptor at an additional frequency according to the following criteria:


    When the floatable grease or oil layer exceeds 6" in depth or;


    When the solids layer at the bottom of the interceptor exceeds 8" in depth. The measurement point for determination of the grease and solids layer shall be adjacent to the outlet pipe.


    Decanting, back flushing or discharging of removed wastes back into the interceptor, from which the waste was removed for the purpose of reducing the volume to be hauled and disposed is prohibited.


    Emulsifiers, grease cutters or other chemicals, which could cause grease to pass through the interceptor may not be used in the maintenance of any unit or its drain lines. Such additives shall include, but not be limited to, enzymes, or other additives designed to absorb, purge, treat or otherwise eliminate grease and oils.


    When required by the Utility, the Applicant/Customer/User shall establish an ongoing contract with an authorized waste hauler. A copy of the contract shall be provided to the Utility upon execution.


    Waste disposal.


    Wastes removed by haulers from interceptors may be disposed at private or public facilities permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) or the Florida Department of Health (DOH) for treating or recycling the wastes.


    Disposal of any waste intended to be disposed of through an interceptor prior to entering any portion of the City's wastewater facilities shall constitute a violation and shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


    The waste hauler shall be responsible for all clean-up activities for any spill resulting from servicing the interceptor. Cleanup activities shall be performed in a manner approved by State and local agencies having jurisdiction.


    The waste hauler shall not dispose of grease or any other interceptor waste into any portion of the City's wastewater facilities.


    Record keeping. The Applicant/Customer/User subject to the requirements of this section shall maintain, and make available to city personnel for inspection and copying during reasonable hours, all records of information related to interceptor maintenance and waste disposal.


    These records shall remain available for a period of at least 3 years.


    The Applicant/Customer/User shall submit a copy of service records to the Utility Systems Department within 10 days of service. The records shall be submitted to the Utility by electronic or regular mail.


    Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the City to take enforcement actions.

(Ord. 94-46, passed 9-26-94; Am. Ord. 08-90, § 2, 10-18-08; Ord. No. 14-29, § 5 [10], 5-27-14; Ord. No. 15-60, § 1, 11-9-15)