§ 65.09. Control of backflow and cross-connections.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Cross control—General.


    Purpose. The purpose of this section is:


    To protect the City's water system from the possibility of contamination by containing within the Customer's water system(s) such contaminants that could backflow into the City's water system; and


    To promote the elimination or control of existing cross-connections, actual or potential, between the Customer's water system(s) and the City's water system; and


    To provide for a continuing program of cross-connection control that will effectively prevent the contamination of the City's water system.


    Legal authority. To assure that the City's water system meets minimum standards all Federal, State and local regulations shall govern this section.

    The FDEP rules require the City to implement a cross-connection control program, which includes a written plan based on the technical publication of American Water Works Association, "Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control", Manual M-14, Third Edition. The City's required written plan shall be called the Port St. Lucie Utility Systems Department's Manual of Cross-Connection Control.




    The Utility Systems Director shall be responsible for the protection of the City's potable water system from contamination due to the backflow of contaminants through the water service connection.


    The Utility Systems Director is vested with the authority and responsibility for the implementation of an effective cross-connection control program and for the enforcement of the provisions of this section. The Utility Systems Director may designate such person or persons as he/she may deem appropriate to implement the provisions of this section, and the decisions and directions of said person(s) shall have the same force and effect as if made by the Utility Systems Director.


    If, in the judgment of the Utility Systems Director an approved backflow preventer is required at the Customer's water service connection, or, within the Customer's water system for the safety of the City's water system, the Utility Systems Director shall give notice to the Customer to install an approved backflow preventer at specific location(s) within a specified period of time. The failure, refusal, or inability on the part of the Customer to install a backflow preventer as required in this Section shall constitute grounds for discontinuing water service to the Customer's premises until the installation has been satisfactorily completed. Upon failure, refusal, or otherwise inability to have such backflow preventer installed, the Utility may perform the installation at the Customer's expense. Any costs or expenses incurred by the Utility to effect the installation must be remitted to the Utility before service is restored.


    Cross-Connection Control — Requirements


    No water service connection to any premises shall be installed or maintained by the Utility unless the water supply is protected as required by state laws and regulations and this section. Service of water to any premises shall be discontinued by the Utility if an approved backflow preventer required by this section is not installed, tested, and maintained, or if it is found that an approved backflow preventer has been removed or bypassed. Service will not be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected.


    The Customer's system shall be accessible for inspection at all reasonable times to authorized representatives of the Utility to determine compliance with the City's Code of Ordinances and other regulations relating to cross-connections. If it is determined upon inspection that the Customer's water system is not in compliance, the Utility Systems Director shall give notice to the Customer to correct the violation. If the violation(s) constitute a health hazard, the Utility Systems Director shall deny or immediately discontinue service to the premises by providing for a physical break in the service line until the violation has been corrected.


    An approved backflow preventer shall be installed on each non-residential service connection to a Customer's water system at or near the property line; outside the building or business; or, located elsewhere at the discretion of the Utility Systems Director, but in all cases, before the first branch line leading off the service line.


    The type of backflow preventer required shall depend upon the degree of hazard that exists. The means of backflow prevention, listed below in an increasing level of protection, include the following:


    A Dual Check (DuC) device;


    An Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB) device;


    A Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) or Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA);


    A Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly (PVB);


    A Reduced-Pressure Principle Assembly (RPBA) or Reduced-Pressure Principle Detector Assembly (RPDA); and


    An Air Gap (AG).


    An approved backflow preventer shall be provided at the service connection based on the degree of hazard as follows:


    Premises where there is an auxiliary water system, a DuC shall be provided for residential service connections. A RPBA shall be provided for non-residential service connections. There shall be no cross-connection between the Customer's water system and the auxiliary water system.


    Premises with private fire protection connected directly to the City's water system, a DCVA or DCDA will be provided if the fire protection system contains no chemical additives. A RPBA or RPDA shall be provided if the fire protection system contains chemical additives.


    Premises where industrial fluids are used, an AG or RPBA shall be provided. Examples of such premises include sewage treatment plants, sewage pumping stations, chemical manufacturing plants, hospitals, mortuaries, and plating plants.


    Premises where it is impossible or impractical for the Utility to conduct a cross-connection survey to determine the degree of hazard, an AG or a RPBA shall be provided.


    If, in the opinion of the Utility Systems Director, an undue health threat is posed because of the presence of extremely toxic substances, an AG will be required to protect the City's water system.


    Premises where a lawn irrigation system is connected to the Customer's water system, a PVB shall be provided. The unit shall be installed a minimum of 12 inches above the highest outlet. An AVB may be used when there are no shut-off valves downstream providing there is no potential for downstream back pressure. The unit shall be installed a minimum of 6 inches above the highest outlet.


    Premises where a lawn irrigation system is directly connected to the City's water system, a RPBA shall be provided.


    Backflow Preventer Standards. Any backflow preventer required herein shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City of Port St. Lucie Utility Systems Department's Utility Standards Manual and be included in the said manual's Qualified Products List.


    The Utility Systems Director may approve backflow preventers that do not meet the requirements of this section, but were approved for the purpose described herein at the time of installation and that have been properly maintained. Said backflow preventers much still meet inspection and maintenance requirements and the Utility Systems Director must be assured that they will satisfactorily protect the Utility system. Whenever the existing backflow preventer is moved from the present location, requires more than minimum maintenance, or when the Utility Systems Director finds that the maintenance constitutes a hazard to health, the unit shall be replaced by an approved backflow preventer meeting the requirements of this section.

(Ord. 97-41, passed 6-23-97; Am. Ord. 05-161, § 1, passed 11-28-05; Am. Ord. 07-21, passed 3-12-07; Ord. No. 14-30, § 9, 5-27-14; Ord. No. 15-61, § 1, 11-9-15; Ord. No. 16-63, § 3, 9-26-16)