Port St. Lucie |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 156.057. Required Submission Documents (Checklist).
The following documents are hereby listed as follows:
Development Stage of
Subdivision PlatItem
numberDescription PCP* Preliminary Final I. PROJECT-PLAT INFORMATION 1. Name, address and telephone number of owner and applicant X X X 2. Name, signature, license number, seal, address and telephone number of engineer, land surveyor, architect, planner and/or landscape architect, as applicable, involved in preparation of plat X X X 3. Title block denoting type of application, tax map sheet, county, name of municipality, legal description and street location X X X 4. A key survey showing location of tract with reference to surrounding properties, streets, municipal boundaries and the like, within 500 feet; date of current survey X X X 5. Aerial photograph at a scale of 1″ = 1,000′ (minimum) X X X 6. Current and/or proposed zoning and land use designation; a schedule of required and provided zoning district(s) requirements including lot area, width, depth, yard setbacks, building coverage, open space, parking, etc. X(1) X X 7. North arrow and scale X(1) X X 8. Proof that taxes are current X X 9. Signature blocks for Mayor and City Clerk X 10. Appropriate certification blocks X X 11. Location of all permanent markers in conformance with state statutes X X 12. Monumentation X X 13. Standardized sheets: 24" × 36" X X 14. Metes and bounds description showing dimensions, bearings, curve data, length of tangents, radii, arcs, chords and central angles for all centerlines and rights-of-way, and centerline curves on streets adequately correlated with markers and monuments X X 15.Acreage of tract to the nearest tenth of an acre (for PCP, to nearest acre) X(1) X X 16. Date of original and all revisions X X 17. Size and location of any existing or proposed structures with all setbacks dimensioned (for PCP general location, but not setbacks) X(1) X X 18. Location and dimensions of any existing or proposed streets X(1) X X 19. All proposed lot lines with appropriate dimensions and lot numbers, and area of lots in square feet/acres X(1) X X 20. Copy and/or delineation of any existing or proposed deed restrictions or covenants X(2) X X 21. Any existing or proposed easement or land reserved for or dedicated to public use (parks, sidewalks, bike or pedestrian trails, and the like) X X X 22. Development phases, or phasing plans X X 23. List of required regulatory approvals or permits X X 24. List of variances required or requested X X 25. Requested or obtained design waiver or exceptions X X 26. Payment of application fees X X X 27. Written description of the proposed development X(1) 28. Written description of the project, noting changes, if any, that have been made in the plat since the pre-application discussion X 29. Dedications, reservations and easements showing widths and purpose, shall be delineated on the face of the plat and shall not be incorporated by reference X X 30. Certificates as required F.S. Ch. 177; owners showing dedications; of surveyor confirming correctness; of City Council approval; and Clerk of Circuit Court recording. Signatures of owners must be in conformance with F.S. Ch. 689 (for individuals) or F.S. Ch. 692.01 (for corporations) X 31. A certificate of consent and approval by mortgagee on the plat X II. SETTING-ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION 32. Name and address of property owners and lines of all parcels within 200 feet identified on most recent tax rolls X X 33. All existing streets, water courses, 100-year floodplains, wetlands or other environmentally sensitive areas on and within 200 feet of site X(1) X X 34. Existing rights-of-way and/or easements on and within 200 feet of tract X X 35. Topographical features of subject property from USC & GS map (lakes, marshes, location and width of canals and waterways, etc.); soils map indicating soils classifications as identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service in the "St. Lucie County Soil Survey" X(1) X 36. Existing and proposed contour intervals based on USC & GS data. Contours to extend at least 200 feet beyond subject property as follows: Up to 3% grade = 1 foot, 3%+ grade = 2 feet X(1) X X 37. Boundary, limits, nature and extent of wooded areas, specimen trees, and other significant physical features X(1) X X 38. Existing system of drainage of subject site and of any larger tract or basin of which it is a part X X 39. Drainage area map X(1) X X 40. Drainage calculations X X 41. Perc tests X X III. IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION 42. Proposed utility infrastructure plans, including sanitary sewer, water, stormwater management, telephone, electric, cable TV, and bulkheads (cross sections and profiles) X X 43. Letter of service availability from utility providing services X X 44. Excavation and fill; the Director of Planning and Zoning will review excavation and fill plans to determine tree preservation or replacement requirements X X 45. Land clearing plan consistent with the Landscaping and Land Clearing Ordinance. No clearing shall take place until a land clearing permit has been issued by the city X 46. If dredging and filling operation is intended, application shall be made to the State Department of Environmental Protection, South Florida Water Management District and the U.S. Corps of Engineers. No such work will be done prior to preliminary plat approval by the City Council and the issuance of a permit X 47. Soil erosion and sediment control plan, indicating the location and description of the methods to be utilized during and after all phases of clearing, grading, site preparation and construction X X 48. Spot and finished elevations at all property corners, corners of all structures or dwellings, existing or proposed first floor elevations X X 49. Construction details as required by ordinance(s) X X 50. Road paving cross-sections and profiles X X 51. Proposed street names X X 52. Assigned street numbers (addresses) indicated in parentheses on each lot on one (1) separate copy of the final plat. Addresses will be obtained by the developer from the Building Department in accordance with the established addressing system X 53. New block and lot numbers X X 54. Lighting plan and details X X 55. Site identification signs, traffic-control signs and directional signs X X 56. Sight triangles X X 57. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns X(3) X(3) 58. A traffic impact study by a professional engineer, if subdivision generates 1,000 vehicle trips per day, to determine the need, if any, for additional traffic lanes (acceleration, deceleration or turning), signalization, and capacity of the street system proposed or affected by the development X 59. Letters submitted by all appropriate utility companies stating that all easements are adequate and the capacity is available to service the project X 60. Landscape plan and details X X 61. Any other proposed on- and off-site improvement(s) as may be necessary X X Notes:
* Pre-Application Concept Plan
X = Item Required at Indicated Development Stage
(1) General
(2) Existing
(3) Sidewalk plan required for private streets with abutting lots.(Ord. 94-7, passed 3-14-94; Ord. No. 03-140, § 1, 10-27-03; Ord. No. 04-07, § 1(Exh. A), 1-26-04)