Latest version.
  • Category Fees
    Agreements $1,710.00
    Annexation Applications:
      0 to 2 Acres $1,045.00. + Advertising Costs
      2.1 to 10 Acres $3,740.00
      More than 10 acres $3,740.00 + $20.00/acre
    Boat Docks $645.00
    Certificate of Concurrency $4,670.00
    Clearing Plan Reviews $360.00 + $40.00/acre
    Comprehensive Plan Amendment $3,960.00 + $40.00/acre
    Concurrent Staggered Review $1,285.00 Per Application
    D.R.I. Conceptual Master Plan/Amendments $1,710.00
    Development of Regional Impact
    New ADA or Substantial Deviations
    Development of Regional Impact
    Notice of Proposed Change or Rescind
    Development of Regional Impact
    Biennial Report Reviews
    Exemption from Platting $710.00
    Landscape Modification Variance $710.00
    Minor/Major Amendment to Approved Landscape or Street Tree Planting Plan $515.00
    Model Home—New $500.00
    Model Home—Renewal $500.00
    No Show:
      SPRC $240.00
      P&Z Board $285.00
      City Council $285.00
    Pre-Application Meetings $430.00
    PUD Zoning $3,960.00 + $40.00/acre
    PUD Amendments (Previously approved PUD's) ½ Current Application Fee not to exceed $11,980.00
    Re-Advertising Fee $720.00
    Rezoning $2,115.00 + $40.00/acre
     New Applications $150.00.
     Change copy on existing permitted façade sign $50.00
     Drive-thru canopy instructional Signs—4 per application $300.00
     Resubmittals—1st No Charge—Subsequent Resubmittals $90.00
     Billboards—Sec. 155.03(G) $8,850.00
     Billboards Annual Reinspection fee $1,885.00
     Master sign program $3,980.00
    Site Plans—Commercial Minor:
     < 1,500 square feet. $1,890.00
     1,501 to 10,000 square feet $2,345.00
    Site Plans—Commercial Major:
     10,001 to 30,000 square feet $3,755.00
     > 30,000 square feet $6,995.00 + $95.00 each 1,000 additional SF
    Site Plan—Residential Minor:
      < 5 units or lots $1,180.00
      5—50 units or lots $1,645.00
    Site Plans—Residential Major:
     51 to 300 units or lots $3,755.00
      > 300 units or lots $3,755.00 + $455.00 each additional 100 units
    Site Plan—Architectural Review or changes to Architectural Review $515.00
    Site Plans—Miscellaneous—Review as determined by the Zoning Administrator (Shoreline Stabilization, Entry Features/Gates, Boardwalks, etc.) $710.00
    Site Plans—Compliance Review for Building Permits (No Charge for 1st Review) $130.00 each
    Site Plans—Building Permits Plans Review (Interior Build-outs or Multiple Review Requests) $130.00 each
    Site Plans—Site Inspection for Certificate of Occupancy (No Charge for 1st Inspection)—additional inspections $130.00 each
    SPRC Review—After 1st resubmittal, a fee will be charged for each resubmittal thereafter $240.00
    Site Plans—Amendments $710.00
    Small Aerial Photos (Lots) $25.00
    Special Exception Uses
    (1 use per application)
    Special Event Temporary Liquor License—Compliance Review $35.00
    State License Review:
     CLF (Group Homes) $145.00
     Liquor $145.00
    Street Name Change $710.00 Plus Cost of Signs
     < 5 lots, units or tracts $945.00
      5 to 50 lots, units or tracts $1,635.00
    > 50 lots, units $3,535.00
    Subdivision—Conceptual Review $925.00
    Tree Preservation—Mitigation $200.00 per inch D.B.H. of required mitigation
    Tree Removal Permit $35.00
    Upland Preservation Mitigation* $170,171.00*
     Residential $1,635.00
     Non-Residential $1,635.00
    Variances—Administrative $710.00
    Zoning Text Amendments $3,980.00
    Zoning Verification Letters $115.00
    Zoning Verification, Land Use Research and Miscellaneous Research Requests $480.00
    Maps & Publications:
     Land Use Development Regulations $30.00
     Zoning Code $15.00
     Comprehensive Plan $90.00
     Future Land Use Map $25.00
     Development Map $25.00
     Parks and Open Space Map $25.00
     Copies of Blueprints & Mylars $10.00
     Color Copies $1.00 per page
     CD Copies of Requested Data $25.00 per CD
     Black and White Copies $.15 cents/page


    Other Fee and Change Policies:

    Projects tabled by either the applicant, Site Plan Review Committee, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Council, and are inactive for three (3) months and have failed to provide the necessary changes or information, will be charged a new fee to be processed for review. Items withdrawn or tabled (at any stage of the development review process) can be reactivated within three (3) months at no charge. After three (3) months the application is considered to have expired and a new review fee is required. Fees for amendments to previously approved site plans shall be based on minor amendment fees unless the proposed change is significant in size to require major review fees.

    Applications that do not obtain approval by the final required board or council within eighteen (18) months from the date of the initial submittal shall be required to pay a new application fee. This fee is the full application fee identified by the application category.


    Three percent (3%) will be reserved for administrative functions by Planning and Zoning Staff. The fee will increase five percent (5%) annually for the next ten (10) years, and will be re-evaluated in 2017.

    Fees are updated once every 2 years, unless otherwise directed, or to accommodate state mandate.

(Res. No. 07-R51, § 1, 6-11-07; Res. No. 07-R58, § 1, 8-13-07; Res. No. 09-R-103, § 1(Exh. A), 7-27-09; Res. No. 12-R71, § 1(Exh. A), 6-25-12)