§ 158.100. Open Space Recreational Zoning District (OSR).  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Purpose. The purpose of the open space recreational zoning district (OSR) shall be to locate and establish areas within the City which are deemed to be uniquely suited for the development and maintenance of public open space and recreational activities, and other public and semi-public facilities necessary to provide services to the citizens of Port St. Lucie and to promote the public welfare; to designate those uses and services deemed appropriate and proper for location and development within said zoning district; and to establish development standards and provisions as are appropriate to ensure proper development and a high degree of land use compatibility.


    Permitted Principal Uses and Structures. The following principal uses and structures are permitted:


    Park or playground, or other recreation or cultural facility-(public) with or without an alcoholic beverage license for sale of alcoholic beverages to members and guests in accordance with Chapter 110;


    Golf course (public and private) with or without an alcoholic beverage license for sale of alcoholic beverages to members and guests in accordance with Chapter 110;


    Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens including the sales of alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption in accordance with Chapter 110;


    Public drainage facilities.


    Special Exception Uses. The following uses may be permitted only following the review and specific approval thereof by the City Council:


    Marina (public or private);


    Wireless communication antennas and towers, as set forth in section 158.213.


    Billboards, on sites with OSC or OSR land use and as set forth in Chapter 155.


    Accessory Uses. As set forth within section 158.217. Accessory uses within this district shall be construed to include incidental retail uses such as cafeterias, gift or variety shops, soda bars, and similar use activities conducted solely for the convenience of patrons or visitors.


    Minimum Lot Requirements. Site of adequate size and proportions to accommodate the intended use, but not less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet and having a minimum width of one hundred (100) feet.


    Maximum Building Coverage. Thirty-five (35) percent, provided that the combined area coverage of all impervious surfaces shall not exceed fifty (50) percent.


    Maximum Building Height. Thirty-five (35) feet.


    Minimum Living Area. Not applicable.


    Setback Requirements and Landscaping. All yard requirements shall be established for each specific use as part of the site plan review process, provided that the minimum building setback line shall be twenty-five (25) feet abutting property zoned residential. Landscaping and buffering requirements are subject to Chapter 154.


    Off-Street Parking and Service Requirements. As set forth in subsection 158.221.


    Site Plan Review. All permitted and special exception uses shall be subject to the provisions of sections 158.235 through 158.245.

(Ord. No. 98-84, § 1, 3-22-99; Am. Ord. 02-130, § 1(Exh. A), 2-10-03; Ord. No. 10-33, § 1, passed 6-14-10; Am. Ord. 10-61, § 1, 8-23-10; Am. Ord. 11-79, § 1(Exh. A), 11-14-11; Ord. No. 15-85, § 1, 12-7-15)