§ 158.227. Self-Service Storage Facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    In General. The only commercial activities permitted on the site of self-service storage facility shall be rental of storage bays and pickup and deposit of goods and/or property in dead storage. Storage bays shall not be used to: manufacture, fabricate or process goods; service or repair vehicles, boats, small engines or electrical equipment, or to conduct similar repair activities; conduct garage sales or retail sales of any kind; or conduct any other commercial or industrial activity on the site.


    Security Quarters Permitted. Residential quarters for security purposes may be established on the site, subject to the requirements of all applicable zoning districts.


    Bays Have No Legal Address. Individual storage bays or private postal boxes within a self-service storage facility shall not be considered a premises for the purpose of assigning a legal address in order to obtain an occupational license or other governmental permit or license to do business.


    Outside Storage.


    Except as provided in this subsection (D), all property stored on site shall be entirely within enclosed buildings.


    Open storage of recreational vehicles and dry storage of pleasure boats of the type customarily maintained by private individuals for their personal use shall be permitted within a self-service storage facility provided that the following conditions are met:


    Such storage shall take place only within a designated area. The area so designated shall be clearly delineated upon the approved site plan;


    The open storage area shall not exceed twenty-five (25%) percent of the buildable area of the site;


    The open storage area shall be entirely screened from view from adjacent residential areas and street rights-of-way by a solid building wall, an eight foot high opaque fence, or a masonry wall with a minimum height of eight (8) feet;


    Vehicles shall not be stored within the area set aside for minimum building setbacks; and


    No vehicle maintenance, washing or repair shall be permitted on site. Pleasure boats stored on the site shall be placed and maintained upon wheeled trailers. No dry stacking of boats shall be permitted on site.


    Maximum and Minimum Lot Size and Building Coverage. Please see all applicable zoning districts.


    Separation Between Storage Buildings. If separate buildings are constructed, there shall be a minimum ten (10) foot separation between individual buildings within the facility.


    Maximum Bay Size. The maximum size of a storage bay shall be five hundred (500) square feet.


    Maximum Building Height. For maximum height, please reference the applicable zoning district. In addition, a parapet wall shall be constructed to screen roof-mounted air conditioning and other equipment, if any.


    Supplemental Parking Requirements. A minimum number of parking spaces shall be provided upon the site as follows:


    Employee and Customer Parking. Two (2) parking spaces for the residential quarters, and one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area used as an office in the rental of storage bays.


    One (1) additional customer parking space for every one hundred (100), or fraction thereof, storage bays.


    Interior Parking. Interior parking shall be provided in the form of aisles adjacent to the storage bays. These aisles may be used both for circulation and temporary customer parking while using storage bays. The minimum width of these aisles shall be as follows:


    If aisles permit two-way traffic, thirty (30) feet; and


    If aisles permit only one-way traffic, twenty-one (21) feet.


    Supplemental Landscape Requirements; Perimeter Landscape Buffers. A self-service storage facility may dispense with the wall which is required to be erected within the required perimeter where all of the following conditions are met:


    The exterior facades of storage buildings present an unbroken, wall like appearance when seen from adjacent lots and rights-of-way; this shall not prevent the installation of fire access doors, if mandated by law;


    The exterior facades of separate storage buildings area joined by walls to give the appearance of structural continuity;


    The resulting area between the outer face of the buildings and the property line or right-of-way is maintained and appropriately planted as a landscape buffer;


    There are no aisles or other vehicle entry ways located in the area between the building and adjacent lot boundary or the right-of-way; and


    Either landscaping is installed in the perimeter landscape buffer or the area is maintained for vegetation preservation, provided the minimum requirements of Chapter 154 are met.


    Miscellaneous Requirements.


    Outdoor Lighting. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded away from adjacent property. Lights shall be low-intensity and the minimum necessary to discourage vandalism and theft. If a facility abuts a residential zone, outdoor lighting fixtures shall meet the requirements of subsection 158.221(B)(7).


    No Loudspeakers. Exterior loudspeakers or paging equipment shall not be permitted on the site.


    Orientation of Storage Bay Doors. Storage bay doors shall not face any abutting property which is residentially zoned, nor shall they be visible from any adjacent residential property or any street right-of-way.


    No Barbed Wire Visible from Streets. Barbed or similar wire may be used for security purposes, but it shall not be visible from any adjacent residential property or any street right-of-way.


    Uniform Exterior Architectural Treatment. The exterior facades of all structures shall receive uniform architectural treatment, including stucco and painting of surfaces. All structures adjacent to properties designated with a residential land use shall have a pitched roof or other treatment comparable to the adjacent residential development.

(Ord. No. 98-84, § 1, 3-22-99; Ord. No. 15-85, § 1, 12-7-15)