§ 158.238. Site Plan Submittals; Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • An applicant seeking site plan approval shall submit the following items to the office of the Zoning Administrator at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting date of the site plan review committee. The format and number of copies shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator.


    General Project Data.


    Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the development.


    Location map.


    Statements of ownership and control of the proposed development with two (2) copies of the recorded deed.


    Schedule of project completion, by phase.


    Existing zoning or zoning applied for.


    If the project will utilize the capacity of an existing water/sewer system, a letter from the relevant authority must be provided stating that capacity will be available for the project at project completion.


    Land use information:


    Gross acreage in the project.


    Square feet or acres devoted to the various uses.


    Total ground coverage of building and structures.


    Impervious surface coverage.


    Total number of dwelling units and number of dwelling units by bedroom size.


    Project density in dwelling units per acre.


    Total nonresidential floor area in square feet by type of use.


    Parking and loading information:


    Calculations of required parking and loading spaces, including handicapped parking spaces required.


    Number of parking spaces/loading areas to be provided.


    Private common areas: If common facilities, such as recreation areas or structures, private streets, common open space, and the like, are to be provided for the development, a statement as to how common facilities area to be provided and permanently maintained. These statements shall take the form of proposed deed restrictions, deed of trust, homeowners' associations, surety arrangements, or other legal instruments providing adequate guarantee to the City that the common facilities will not become a future liability for the City.


    Recreation facilities;


    Type, number and size of facilities.


    Acreage and type of recreation areas provided.


    If applicable, a Hazardous Materials Management Plan is to be provided.


    Site Plan Drawings. The following information is to be provided on site plan drawings;


    Project name.


    Project developer.


    Project planner and his signature.




    North arrow.




    Site dimensions.


    Topographic survey with minimum 0.5 foot contours or spot elevations including the location of wet areas and general type and locations of existing vegetation. Variations from this requirement may be made by the Zoning Administrator if warranted.


    Phase boundaries, if applicable.


    Building identification.


    Building dimensions.


    Building statistics:


    Number of dwelling units, if residential;


    Square feet, if nonresidential.


    Building height in feet and stories.


    Finished floor elevations.


    Building space:


    Spacing between buildings;


    Spacing between buildings and property lines;


    Required base building setbacks from roads or streets.


    Parking lots and loading areas:






    Public and private access roads, easements, and rights-of-way where applicable, including those adjacent to the site:






    Plans for recreation facilities, if any:






    Facility type.


    Accessory structures and special use areas, if any:






    Types of special uses.


    The location and type of all facilities for solid and liquid waste disposal and water supply. Each dumpster enclosure shall be designated on the site plan and measure at least 12-foot by 12-foot in area to accommodate a refuse and a recycling dumpster. See Section 158.232 for refuse collection and recycling requirements and modifications.


    Conceptual drainage information which should include the direction of surface flow, a statement of drainage outfall, the approximate location of all drainage retention areas and major drainage improvements.


    The location, type, and standards to be used in construction of any transportation improvements on public or dedicated rights-of-way such as left turn lanes, deceleration lanes, and traffic control devices.


    Proposed lot lines, if applicable.


    Surrounding land use and zoning.




    Location and details of all required landscaping;


    Location and general characteristics of other landscaped areas;


    Screens and buffers.


    Architectural plans consistent with the "Citywide Design Standards" manual. Applicants shall submit building elevations and color renderings of exterior elevations that include facade articulation and roof design. Required architectural elements shall be listed and identified on exterior elevation drawings as well proposed colors from approved color chart.


    Fire protection plans including all hydrant locations within one thousand (1,000) feet.


    Overlay Zoning Design drawings (applicable only to designated areas) consistent with Zoning Design Standards.


    Becker Road Overlay District design drawings (applicable only to areas within the Becker Road Corridor) consistent with the Becker Road Overlay District Design Standards.


    Location, area, and type of habitat proposed to be included in preserve areas.


    Location, area, and type of habitat of all wetlands as determined by the SFWMD or ACOE.


    Location of proposed or existing public water supply wells within one thousand (1,000) feet of the site and the location of any wellfield protection zones within two hundred (200) feet of the site.


    Location, amount, type of materials which are regulated as hazardous materials.


    Other information as may be deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator.


    Electronic copies of all documents shall to be provided.

(Ord. No. 98-84, § 1, 3-22-99; Ord. No. 15-85, § 1, 12-7-15; Ord. No. 18-26, § 4, 5-29-18)