§ 159.106. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall be exempt from payment of the road impact fee:


    Alterations or expansion of an existing building or structure or a change of use where no additional dwelling units will be produced, where the use will not be changed, and where no additional vehicular trips will be generated over and above those generated by the existing building, structure, or use.


    The construction of accessory buildings or structures or a change of use which will not produce additional vehicular trips over and above those produced by the principal building or use of the land.


    The replacement of a demolished or partially demolished building or structure with a new building or structure which will not generate additional trips over and above those generated by the original building or structure, provided that there is no change of use of the land and that the new building or structure is permitted.


    Any claim of exemption must be made no later than the time of application for a building permit for construction or a certificate of occupancy for a change of use.

(Ord. No. 05-87, § 6, 6-20-05; Ord. No. 13-26, § 2, 5-28-13; Ord. No. 16-32, § 2, 6-27-16)