Port St. Lucie |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 159. IMPACT FEES |
§ 159.302. Purpose and Intent.
This article is intended to implement and be consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
It is the purpose of this article to ensure the provision of an adequate level of service in public buildings throughout the City, so that development may occur in a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
It is also the purpose of this article to regulate the use and development of land so as to assure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital improvements that will be necessary to provide public buildings to adequately serve the future needs of the City and to implement the Comprehensive Plan.
The Florida Legislature, through the enactment of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3201 and 163.3202 Florida Statutes, and the Environmental Land and Water Management Act, Section 380.06(16) Florida Statutes and the entirety of Chapters 163 and 380, respectively, encourages local governments to enact impact fee programs as a part of their land development regulations to implement their comprehensive plan.
The Council hereby finds and declares that the impact fees imposed pursuant to this chapter comply with the requirements of F.S. § 163.31801. Specifically, the requirements of F.S. § 163.31801, are fulfilled as follows: the impact fees imposed herein are calculated based on the most recent and localized data, the established separate accounts and accounting procedures provide for appropriate accounting and reporting of impact fee collections and expenditures, the administrative charges that may be implemented will reflect actual costs to the City for the creation and maintenance of the impact fee system, notice was provided at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of any increased impact fees, and audits of the City performed pursuant to F.S. § 218.39, will include an affidavit from the chief financial officer of the City stating that the City has complied with F.S. § 163.31801.
(Ord. No. 06-64, § 2, 10-9-06; Ord. No. 13-24, § 2, 5-28-13)